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Our Ministries

Lit 4 christ Youth ministry

This ministry provides a spiritual, relatable,  and nurturing environment, in which young people are able to grow into a deeper relationship with Christ.  This ministry includes numerous opportunities for youth involvement such as youth worship team, fine arts & praise dance, Bible soldiers step team, seasonal camps,  Sunday active learning, community outreach, fellowship, and other activities. We also have Youth Worship Service every Sunday at 10:45AM. 


Mission Ministry

This works to meet the needs of members and the community and coordinates outreach activities. Our goal is to nurture believers and to make mature Christian  disciples. (Matthew 28:18-20; Eph 4:11-16).

Image by Clay Banks

Ushers Ministry 

This Ministry, which also include youth Ushers, serve to greet and welcome all members and visitors as they enter our place of worship. The Ushers eagerly assist in ensuring that the care, safety and well-being of attendees are in order. 

choir & Music Ministry

This Ministry is made up of a group of faithful, anointed, and skilled worshippers. The goal of this Ministry is to praise and magnify the the name of Jesus, and to provoke a spirit of repentance and hope to the lost through song and music. 

Image by Tim Wildsmith

Newsletter Ministry 

This Ministry consists of members who are dedicated to spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ and foster Christian fellowship among our members. True Love church activities, current events, programs, and newsworthy information is shared quarterly in “The Messenger” newsletter.  If you would like to submit an article for consideration, please contact the church at ( or mail it to the church at 1941 North “H” St, Las Vegas, Nevada 89106.



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Deacon Ministry

This Ministry  provides assistance to the Pastor and ensures that church affairs are being handled according to God's word. The Deacons serve as spiritual counselors as well as assist with the security of the church.

Image by Tim Mossholder

Nurses Ministry 

This Ministry cares for the needs of the pastor, members and guests during worship service; while including our candystripers and junior nurses in theses duties. This Ministry also host activities and events throughout the year that promote various health initiatives, educates the community on health issues, and support health research.

Mother's Ministry

This ministry supports the spiritual growth and development of our younger women through wisdom and Biblical guidance. The members of this ministry offers encouragement and provides spiritual support for our young women, through life application. 

Image by Hello  Lightbulb

  Brotherhood ministry

This Ministry promotes the fellowship of adult men, geared toward strengthening, empowering, and spiritually enhancing the men of the Church. 

Evangelism Ministry

This Ministry believes that all Christians are called to spread the gospel, so it is with this passion that members of this Ministry actively and enthusiastically pursue sharing the Good News will all they encounter, believers and non-believers alike, for the purpose of winning souls for Christ. 

Image by Matheus Ferrero

women in ministry

Imani worship arts

"IMANI Worship Arts Ministry” ranges from ages 5 & up. Our purpose and mission is to demonstrate the majesty, power, splendor and wonder of the Holy Scriptures through movement. We use our God given talent and our ability to minister, through movement, in spirit and in truth the heart of God, the plan of God and the will of God and to also usher in the presence of God through the ministry of dance. 

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